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McEligot Lab

Focusing on the intersection between behavioral/lifestyle factors, health disparities, and population outcomes in efforts to reach equity

Archana McEligot

Dr. Archana McEligot

Dr. McEligot is dedicated to accelerating well-being in diverse communities through mentorship, education, research, and service via a data-driven, evidence-based approach. 

Please see her work below at the following websites.

CV      Resume



Address: Department of Public Health, Room KHS-227, California State University Fullerton,  800 North State College Blvd., Fullerton, California 92834

Telephone: (657) 278-3822

Fax: (657) 278-5317



Selected Publications

  • McEligot A.J., Pang K., Moran-Gomez S., Mitra S., Santos M., Tahmasebi Z., Kazemi S.. Comorbid Conditions Are Associated With Cognitive Impairment in Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. Int J Aging Hum Dev. 2024. PMID:  38327065
  • McEligot A.J., Sta. Cruz S., Gonzalez S., Pogoda J.M. (2018). The Association between Total Folate Intakes and Depression amongst Three Racial/Ethnic Groups. Calif J Health Promot., 16(1):16-23. PMID:  31024222
  • McEligot, A.J., Rock, C.L., Sobo, E.J., & Flatt, S.W. (2000). Food avoidance by women at risk for breast cancer recurrence. Journal of Cancer Education, 15, 151-155.  PMID:  11019763
  • McEligot, A.J., Chandler, L., Tran, N., Pillazar, L., & Steinberg, F. (April 2014). Cultural context is associated with intent to pursue nutrition careers in a diverse population. (118.4) FASEB J 28:118.4. Peer-reviewed abstract and presentation.
  • Liu-Smith F., Farhat A.M., Arce A., Ziogas A., Taylor T., Wang Z., Yourk V., Liu J., Wu J., McEligot A.J., Anton-Culver, H, Meyskens FL. Sex differences in the association of cutaneous melanoma incidence rates and geographic ultraviolet light exposure. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2017 Mar;76(3):499-505.e3. PMID:  28413057