The people pictured below have earned recognition as Emeritus Faculty or Staff. The Latin word “emeritus” was originally used to describe soldiers who had completed their duty. As a verb it meant “to serve out one's term” or “to earn, deserve, or serve.” English speakers later used the term “emeritus” as an adjective referring not to soldiers but to someone who retired from professional life and were permitted to keep as an honorary title the rank of the last position they held. An example would be “Professor, Emeritus.” Typically, “emeritus” is used for males, “emerita” is used for females, and “emeriti” is used for the plural form.
The Department of Kinesiology is indebted to these people for their contributions to the creation and development of the program. Linked to every photo below is a presentation that tells a story. You are encouraged to open their presentations and enjoy their stories. All combined, they help tell the story of the Department of Kinesiology since its beginning in 1960.