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Bachelor of Science Kinesiology

Active lifestyles and competitive sports are exciting and important parts of contemporary living. With a strong foundation in the natural and social sciences, graduates gain knowledge and skills needed to provide scientifically grounded, community-focused, and ethically principled expertise to a diverse clientele, from children to older adults. The Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology prepares students to enter exciting fields such as allied health and medical professions, corporate/commercial fitness, senior fitness and wellness, teaching physical education, and athletic coaching.


Every student in the major must complete the pre-requisites, foundation courses, disciplinary Core, and the upper division writing requirement plus one of the 8 concentrations in order to complete their degree in kinesiology.

Pre-requisites (9 Units Minimum)

Anatomy and Physiology (KNES/BIOL 210 OR KNES/BIOL 191A)
-Martial Arts/Combative
-Individual Sport    
-Racquet Sport    
-Team Sport    

*Students interested in teaching Physical Education, must complete KNES 240, 241, 242, and 243 in lieu of the six, 1 unit, activity courses.

Foundation Courses (9 Units)*

KNES 202 Introduction to Kinesiology
KNES 349 Measurements and Statistics
KNES 360 Movement Anatomy

Disciplinary Core (18 Units)*

KNES 348 Physiology of Exercise

KNES 361 Principles of Human Movement

KNES 371 Human Motor Control and Learning

KNES 380 Philosophy of Human Movement

KNES 381 History of Sports, Games, and Culture

KNES 383 Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity

Upper Division Writing Requirement

ENGL 301 (This is NOT a General Education Course, and cannot be used in the general education sections of the TDA)