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Teacher Education

The Teacher Education concentration provides course work that meets a portion of the requirements for the Subject Matter Preparation Program (SMPP-PE), which is designed to prepare students to enter a Single Subject Credential Program in Physical Education. In addition to the 51-unit requirement for the Kinesiology degree and the Teacher Education concentration, students who wish to pursue a single-subject teaching credential in physical education must also complete the  SMPP-PE requirements


KNES 325 Techniques of Coaching
KNES 363 Adapted Physical Education
KNES 364 Motor Development
KNES 385 Instructional Analysis of Human Movement
KNES 388 Teaching Elementary Physical Education
KNES 387 Movement and the Adolescent


Choose one course from the following: KNES 240, 241, 242, 243.

*Note: Students electing to complete the SMPP-PE  are required to take all of the following courses: KNES 240, 241, 242, 243. In addition, KNES 494 Practicum must be taken along with KNES 388 and KNES 387