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Classification and Advancement to Candidacy

Admission into the Department as a conditionally classified student does not guarantee advancement to classified standing. Each student undergoes three comprehensive evaluations: one after the completion of six units to move to classified standing; one prior to taking Practicum in order to Advance to Practicum; and one at the completion of Practicum for Advancement to Final Project.    

Advancement to classified standing or to candidacy requires completion of all undergraduate pre-requisites to the program, a 3.0 GPA, a completed Advisement Log demonstrating a meeting with an Advisor, the faculty's on-going assessment of the student's aptitude and suitability for the counseling profession, progress in skill development, interpersonal and cultural sensitivity, and ethical and professional conduct. A student in classified graduate standing may be declassified if their current academic, personal, and professional development shows a lack of suitability for continued training counseling. (See the "Graduate Regulations" section of the University catalog for details concerning advancement to classified standing or candidacy.)

Advancement to Practicum requires the completion of all pre-requisite courses, a 3.0 GPA, a minimum grade of B in Legal & Ethical Issues in Counseling (COUN 526), a meeting with the Advancement to Practicum advisor, the faculty's on-going assessment of the student's aptitude and suitability for the counseling profession, progress in skill development, interpersonal and cultural sensitivity, and ethical and professional conduct. A student who has been Advanced to Practicum may be declassified and placed on notice if their current academic, personal, or professional development show a lack of suitability for continued training in counseling.

Advancement to Final Project requires the completion of all courses except what will be taken in the last semester with Final Project (COUN 597), a minimum GPA of 3.0, a meeting with the Advancement to Final Project advisor, and a demonstration of fitness for the profession. Students who are advanced to Final Project will be in their last year of the program and ready for graduation.


A student will be placed on academic notice if their graduate grade-point average falls below 3.0. A student may also be placed on notice for reasons other than grade-point average; this is known as administrative-academic notice. See the “Graduate Regulations” section of the catalog for details on both forms of notice.


A student will be disqualified from the program at any time if (a) the student receives more tha two grades below (B-) (2.7) or (b) the faculty has determined that a student has failed to demonstrate a level of professional competence or fitness commensurate with the standards of the counseling discipline, and that this failure requires removal from the program, rather than placement on administrative-academic notice. See the “Graduate Regulations” section of the catalog for additional details on disqualification.