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Program Objectives, Student Learning Outcomes (SLO),  and Key Performance Indicators (KPI)


Program Objective:  Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of: (a) the historical and philosophical underpinnings of the counseling profession; (b) ethical and legal guidelines of the profession; and (c) professional counseling credentialing, certification, and licensure.


  1. Demonstrates knowledge of professional counseling credentialing, including certification, licensure, and accreditation practices and standards, and the effects of public policy on these issues. (CACREP Professional Counseling Orientation & Ethical Practice 2.F.1.g)
  2. Demonstratesknowledge of ethical standards of professional counseling organizations and credentialing bodies, and applications of ethical and legal considerations in professional counseling. (CACREP Professional Counseling Orientation & Ethical Practice 2.F.1.i)


Program Objective:  Students will be able to: demonstrate awareness of the major cultural influences on human behavior, how those intersect with the mental health of their clients, and how they influence their own perceptions and biases regarding clients.


  1. Identifies major cultural constructs (e.g., race/ethnicity, social class, sexual/affectional orientation, range of gender identities, religion/spirituality, oppression/privilege, dis/ability, and identity development) and how they intersect with the mental health of clients (or client scenarios). (CACREP Social & Cultural Diversity 2.F.2.c)
  2. Explores and articulates the sources of counselors’ own personal value systems (e.g., race/ethnicity, social class, sexual/affectional orientation, range of gender identities, religion/spirituality, oppression/privilege, dis/ability, and identity development) and acknowledges that these values may create biases that affect counseling. (CACREP Social & Cultural Diversity 2.F.2.c)
  3. Identifies stereotypes, how they derive from the traditional values and norms of various cultural groups, and can result in systemic oppression. (CACREP Social & Cultural Diversity 2.F.2.c)
  4. Identifies ways in which counselors can promote social justice and advocacy on behalf of clients. (CACREP Social & Cultural Diversity 2.F.2.c)


Program Objective:  Students will be able to: demonstrate awareness of the social and cultural influences on human behavior; demonstrate effective counseling skills; evaluate clients' progress; recognize and mitigate countertransference; and conduct counseling with appropriate awareness of ethical and legal issues. 


  1. Demonstrates effective counseling skills with individuals (adults & children), couples, families, and/or groups. (CACREP Counseling & Helping Relationships 2.F.5.g)
  2. Evaluates clients’ progress toward treatment goals during practicum experiences. (CACREP Counseling & Helping Relationships 2.F.5.g)
  3. Demonstrates the ability to modify interventions based on clients’ intersectionality. (CACREP Social & Cultural Diversity 2.F.2.c)
  4. Demonstrates writing that is professional, ethical, and respectful with regard to clients. (CACREP Counseling & Helping Relationships 2.F.5.g)
  5. Recognizes counter-transference that may be interfering with the client’s process; minimizes counter-transference through personal work, and understands how counter-transference can be used in therapy. (CACREP Counseling & Helping Relationships 2.F.5.g)
  6. Demonstrates knowledge of the dynamics associated with group process and development. (CACREP Group Counseling & Group Work 2.F.6.b)
  7. Demonstrates knowledge of characteristics and functions of effective group leaders. (CACREP Group Counseling & Group Work 2.F.6.d)


Program Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of counseling theories and a bio-psycho-sociocultural framework and apply them to case conceptualization. They will demonstrate the ability to appropriately use the DSM-5 (diagnostic manual of mental disorders). They will construct relevant treatment plans.


  1. Utilizes knowledge of major counseling theories in the context of individual (adult and child), couple, family, and/or group counseling, to formulate case conceptualizations. (CACREP Counseling & Helping Relationships 2.F.5.g)
  2. Appropriately applies the diagnostic categories of the DSM-5. (CACREP Clinical Mental Health Specialty 5.C.2.d)
  3. Collects and integrates multiple aspects of the assessment process in order to form appropriate diagnoses and intervention strategies. (CACREP Assessment & Testing 2.F.7.e)
  4. Recognizes how work/school/occupational statuses intersect with other life roles and mental health; formulates treatment plans that include attention to employment, work/school environment, skills development, and/or life-work planning, as necessary. (CACREP Career Development 2.F.4.b)
  5. Utilizes knowledge of how bio/psycho/sociocultural/spiritual factors intersect with and affect human development and functioning across the lifespan; and accordingly makes appropriate adjustments to case conceptualization and treatment plans. (CACREP Clinical Mental Health Specialty 5.C.3.a)
  6. Collects and integrates multiple aspects of the counseling process (e.g., theoretical knowledge, evidence-based practices, clinical information, and client perspectives), in order to create treatment plans. (CACREP Clinical Mental Health Specialty 5.C.3.a)
  7. Demonstrates knowledge of how biological, neurological, and physiological factors affect human development, functioning, and behavior. (CACREP Human Growth and Development 2.F.3.e)


Program Objective:Students will be able to: critically analyze research methodology and the professional literature regarding a counseling topic; construct an original research project; and demonstrate professional writing skills in accordance with APA guidelines.


  1. Utilizes a formal system of inquiry that integrates the work of researchers and counselors, and applies it in a research project regarding a specific clinical issue relevant to clinical mental health counseling. (CACREP Research & Program Evaluation 2.F.8.a)
  2. Writes a literature review regarding a specific clinical issue relevant to clinical mental health counseling. (CACREP Research & Program Evaluation 2.F.8.a)
  3. Demonstrates writing that is concise and organized, as well as correct in terms of grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. (CACREP Research & Program Evaluation 2.F.8.a)
  4. Demonstrates original writing that is correct according to APA style (e.g., structurally and mechanically, including correct citations and references). (CACREP Research & Program Evaluation 2.F.8.a)


Students are evaluated throughout the program for their fitness for the field, which involves their dispositions and professionalism. The Department defines a counselor’s disposition as having four components: (a) Effective and professional communication and collaboration: (b) Emotional maturity, self-awareness, and counselor presence: (c) Dependability, reliability, and ethical behavior; and (d) Respect for diversity and openness to other worldviews.